The NSA holds a set of around 3 million microfilmed WWSSN analogue seismograms from January 1966 to September 1990. The WWSSN data accumulated are an extremely useful resource, recorded globally to a documented standard. Additionally, original seismograms are held for the Eskdalemuir (ESK) WWSSN station. The report WL/99/18 provides a guide, not only to the NSA holdings on a station by station basis, but also to the use of the records and how the original records compare with the microfilm records.
WL/99/18 |
The National
Seismological Archive WWSSN Microfilm Collection [Final Report]. |
Henni, P.H.O., and Lawrie,
K.I.G, (1999) |
WWSSN microfilming
project ceased on 01/10/1992 (operating around 2 years in arrears) and the
NSA has a span of analogue records covering from January 1966 to September
1990, numbering around 3 million seismograms. The WWSSN data accumulated
are an extremely useful resource, recorded globally to a documented
standard. |